Sunday 29 April 2012

Water Vapour

Carbon dioxide gets inside the leaf  through the stomates.

Plants sweat just as people do. The water evaporates through tiny holes on the botton sides of the leaves.

Sometimes also have hairs or a coating of wax on their leaves. These things also help them to save water.

Australian Desert Plant


Why do plants have roots?

A lot of a plant's body is below the ground.This is the root sysem.  

Jobs that roots do:

1. Store  food for the plant to grow 
2. Anchor the plant into the ground
3. Some roots provide food for us to eat, such as carrot.
4. Provide enough food for the plant to reproduce

The Earth needs plants

Plants are very important living things. They provide shade and shelter for people and other animals. Trees planted along streets and around houses make our towns better places to live in.

They give us building materials, clothing, paper and medicines.

Plants are also important because they help to make rain. They pump water out of the soil and return it to the atmosphere.

On Tuesday the 27th of March, the T1 boys went to Drome Hill, at the end of the old Katherine air strip.

Ranger Clare showed us the difference between managed land and non-managed land.

National Parks

National parks are usually large areas of land that are protected because they have unspoilt landscapes and many differnt native plants and animals.
Nitmiluk used to be known as Katherine Gorge National Park, but in1989 the Park was handed back
to its traditional owners and renamed 'Nitmiluk', meaning 'Cicada place'. The park is jointly managed by the Jawoyn People and the National Parks.

Ranger Clare

This Blog is for Envrionmental Science. On our first visit to Nitmiluk Gorge we met Ranger Clare.
T1 boys with Clare
Clare took us on a bush walk to see the plot of land that we will care for.


My name is Bobby. I love football. I support the Bombers.
My age  is 14 and I go to Katherine High School.